
Helm chart for Falcon CrowdStrike Connector.
This is a minimal first approach. You can modify / define things accordingly.


Install / Uninstall

To install this chart simply run in the root folder of this repository:

~$ helm install falcon falcon-crowdstrike/

To uninstall this chart run:

~$ helm uninstall falcon


Under the values.yaml file you will find a block of secret values as shown:


Fill them accordingly.


Move secrets to native k8s Secret object.

Notes on deploying open source helms via GitHub

  1. Create a gh-pages branch. This will auto run a workflow and you will be able to publish your helm charts here.
  2. Add a chart-release.yaml file under .github/workflows similar to this repository.
  3. Make sure you have set fetch-depth: 0 on checkout action. Also avoid using ref set as it will probably break your deployment.
  4. If you copy this chart-release.yaml file you will have to create a new release tagged as x.x.x (your semantic version) in order for your release to be published to gh-pages.
  5. The index.yaml file required to use the chart will be automatically generated if you have reached this far.
  6. You will be able to view your release under https://<username>.github.io/<repository_name> eg. https://tsigouris007.github.io/Falcon-CrowdStrike-Connector-Helm/